My Lottery Winner was created by Avery Cardoza and Tenzing Kernan, experts in the field of lottery prediction and interactive software.
Avery Cardoza, an acknowledged expert on games and gambling and the world’s foremost publisher of gaming and gambling books (Cardoza Publishing, 200+ titles and more than 11 million copies sold), has been writing and publishing books and advanced winning strategies on lottery systems since 1981. He is the author of Lottery Super System, Secrets of Winning Lotto and Lottery, and more than 100 advanced strategies specifically on beating lotto and lottery games. Countless followers of Cardoza’s winning strategies have won jackpots small and large, and millions more have learned to beat casinos though his advice. He wrote one of the first deep-dive AI strategies for four versions of poker back in the 1990s along with the creation, with Kernan, of the huge software blockbuster, Avery Cardoza’s Casino, the longest selling entertainment title ever sold in the warehouse clubs (Costco, Sam’s BJ’s).